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Raspunsuri la traduceri

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Cuvantul / Textul de tradus
Rad - 19.11.2018
Get over yourself.
Dani - 19.11.2018
Your hatred for Simmons drove you to tear down the world they created, but it was your conscience, Carla, that saw you fail. After all, isn't that why you brought me into this?
Dani - 19.11.2018
Catch you two later.
Daby - 19.11.2018
That little doppelganger you brewed up just told me she has her heart set on destroying the world.
Black - 19.11.2018
Let's ditch the pleasantries and get right to it.
Dani - 18.11.2018
If you think I'm going to sit back and be your scapegoat, Simmons, you've got another thing coming.
Daby - 18.11.2018
At the hands of Neo-Umbrella's very own Ada Wong.
Black - 18.11.2018
You're not playing around, are you?
Rad - 18.11.2018
Then by all means, proceed.
Dani - 17.11.2018
You have every right to.
Daby - 17.11.2018
I'll put a call in to FOS, get you some protection.
Black - 17.11.2018
Can we wrap this up?
Dani - 17.11.2018
Why don't we just waste them?
Daby - 17.11.2018
You took Wesker's son away! You used that bastard's blood... to make the virus stronger! That's what you get for trusting Ada Wong.
Daby - 17.11.2018
It's kind of fun to watch.
Dar - 17.11.2018
No rest for the weary.
Dar - 17.11.2018
My schedule just cleared.
Dar - 16.11.2018
And here I thought dear old dad was just a deadbeat who skipped out on us... no, no, no... he was actually... a freakin' nut job who almost destroyed the world!
Dani - 16.11.2018
Apparently, he abused his gift, took it for granted, and then ended up turning himself into a some kind of monster.
Dani - 16.11.2018
By the way, that guy that you were all chummy with back there...
Dani - 16.11.2018
You jarheads all look the same to me pal, sorry.
Dar - 15.11.2018
It's time we take responsibility and end this mess.
Dani - 15.11.2018
You're just becoming the monster you always were.
Daby - 15.11.2018
After we rescue Jake, I'm turning in my gun.
Daby - 15.11.2018
Fair's fair, kid.
Daby - 15.11.2018
Ah, Agent Birkin. Impeccable timing. Kindly take these two into custody, won't you?
Dani - 15.11.2018
You will if you came with me.
Black - 14.11.2018
Likewise. He told me you'd been friends for 30 years.
Andreea - 05.11.2018
El va scrie lectia
Eliza Kavasi - 30.10.2018

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