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Cauta cuvinte in raspunsurile din traduceri

Cuvint in engleza
Traducere Engleza Romana

Cuvant in romana
Traducere Romana Engleza

Raspunsuri la traduceri

Nume / Data
Cuvantul / Textul de tradus
Anonim - 26.10.2018
Vlad - 19.10.2018
Stai in baza
Conpatimat - 08.10.2018
Esti de conpatimit.
Delia - 03.10.2018
Julia Carmen Vascan - 30.09.2018
Smantana de gatit.
RO247331408 - 29.08.2018
Mario - 24.08.2018
But im not like that, I dont just sleep around
Mary - 30.07.2018
Te iubesc mult ionut.
Dar - 09.07.2018
Well, look what the Underground let lose.
Dani - 07.07.2018
Attention patrol division, units are in a high speed pursuit of multiple vehicles aggressively avoiding custody, units in the area directed to clear up to provide cover.
Dani - 07.07.2018
I have got a beautiful little surprise that iss gonna tear you guys up from the inside out.
Dani - 07.07.2018
You know the odds are that it aint?
Dani - 07.07.2018
We are gonna take your car, tear it apart, and see if it is street legal.
Dani - 07.07.2018
Get them going.
Dar - 04.07.2018
That sounds like Simmons, all right.
Rad - 30.06.2018
We're just outside Tatchi, why
Rad - 29.06.2018
This is Raccoon City all over again.
Rad - 29.06.2018
We have to come clean and start working with the rest of the world... - 29.06.2018
You two just focus on getting the hell out of there.
Dani - 28.06.2018
Don't let them down.
Dar - 28.06.2018
On my way.
Dar - 28.06.2018
That rounds out to about 70,000 hostiles.
Dar - 28.06.2018
Well, you must be aware that you are both suspects in this attack?
Ei bine, trebuie sa fii constient ca amandoi sunteti suspecti de acest atac.
Dani - 26.06.2018
With your track record I gotta say, I'd hate to be a member of your team, Chris.
Dani - 26.06.2018
I'm on protective detail.
Dani - 25.06.2018
You know, those shots of yours, pack one hell of a punch, lady.
Dani - 22.06.2018
We're up against the people who really run this country... a very dangerous game, and if you don't play your hand right...
Dani - 22.06.2018
I helped Simmons breach the president's security.
Iulian Mancas - 17.06.2018
Moisin codruta - 02.06.2018
A manca
To eat

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